
Around the same time of the year, every agency in Hamburg has their annual talks. Some creatives will be promoted but even more will be leaving their talks will a sense of disappointment. Which means there will be a lot of upset creatives looking around at positions at other agencies. This makes it the best time to recruit for new positions at Jung von Matt.


Every few months Jung von Matt brews a new batch of its popular Troy Bräu. To celebrate everyone in Hamburg surviving their annual talks, Jung von Matt will send special cases of its beer to agencies around Hamburg. When they arrive – at first glance they will appear to be just a special edition batch of JvM Troy Bräu. However once placed in the fridge the cold-activated labels will show something completely different once reaching a certain temperature. A resignation letter.

If any creative is deciding to leave their agency, we will make it easier for them. All they have to do is sign the letter and give it to their bosses. If any creative uses the labels they will automatically get an interview with H.R. and if they sign a contract with JvM they will also earn extra vacation days.
